Monday, July 19, 2010

The scientific name for the seperated colors that make up white light ?

The frequencies of light that your eye can see is called the visible spectrum. This corresponds to electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 400 and 750 nm.

The scientific name for the seperated colors that make up white light ?
How about "monochrome"? It's either monochrome or maybe optical spectrum.

'Adjective' 1: of, relating to, or made with a single color.

("We can recognize six distinct colors in the visible spectrum. ... red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Each color gradually blends into the adjacent colors giving a continuous spectrum over the range of visible light. A continuous spectrum ... of the colors.

Light consisting of several colors is called polychromatic light; ligtht consisting of only one color is called monochromatic light.")

Reply:The optiCAL SPECTRUM.

Visible light spectrum?

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