Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the scientific name given to IRON?

The official English name for the element in question is Iron.

The official symbol for the element is Fe, which comes from the Latin name for iron: "Ferrum."

The latest international convention of naming iron compounds (using English) is to call the compound Iron and use Roman numerals to indicate the oxidation state of the iron. Therefore, FeCl3 is Iron (III) Chloride, while FeS is Iron (II) Sulfide.

Older methods called Iron (III) compounds "Ferric" and Iron (II) compounds "Ferrous," so that the examples above would be called Ferric Chloride and Ferrous Sulfide.

What is the scientific name given to IRON?
Reply:Ferrum (Fe)
Reply:there are 2 chemical forms of iron according to the valency

ferrous ion with a valency of 2

and ferric ion with a valency of 3
Reply:Actually, the word IRON is the given scientific name for that kind of substance. But if you ask the used name for iron when it comes to naming compounds, it's FERRUM, its latin translation.
Reply:Good answer Bren.
Reply:Isn't it Ferrum?
Reply:'Ferrum' is the latin name of Iron. But naming a compound with iron usually varies and depends on the number or valence of it.'Ferrous' is used when the valence is low. e.g. Fe2SO4 - Ferrous Sulfate. While 'Ferric' is for high valence.e.g. FeCl3 - Ferric Chloride.

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